I had never gone white water rafting before and when a chance came up to go with a group, I signed up for it without second thought. Now, I’m a trained aquatics life saver and competed in swimming throughout my schooling life. This put me at ease with this sport. Unlike anything to do with heights, I was ready!

We traveled on a tour van to Napoleon’s Camp in Sagana. This was a camping trip (code for all-night bonfire parties) and had a chance to team build as many of us were strangers, before starting our rafting which was done in groups of 6 per raft.

One thing I liked about my rafting experience is that I got on the raft, coincidentally, with adrenaline junkies. We felt that the experience was not dramatic enough and so we requested the rafting guide to take us back to the raft and try to capsize us. When this didn’t work, we went again and threw ourselves off of the raft! We also asked him to capsize our raft after all that. All this are experiences we might not have had if there were people on the raft that were too scared.

Tip: If you’re doing such activities and you’re doing it in groups, always go with the first group if you want to have the best experience. By the mere fact that they would like to be first, they are likely to be more bold and adventurous. I wouldn’t be talking like this if this was bungee jumping or sky diving though.

Enjoy the pics and be sure to check out my Instagram for the thrilling videos of us throwing ourselves off the raft and asking the guide to capsize it (turn it up side down)!

Overland truck at pick-up point.
The tables provided a good platform for card games. After I took this shot, the truck broke into very fun-aggressive poker games.
The camp has bikes that one can ride, even outside the camp site. To go rafting, clients are given bikes that they ride to the point of the river where the rafting starts.
Having my pre-rafting photo moments.
I had a chance to go to the river the following morning to take in the beauty of the river and it’s rapids.



My team on the raft. We had finished our session but we wanted, so badly for our raft to capsize, so we requested to go back to the rafts. Our guide asked us to leave our paddles by the river bank as it was about to get rough. Apparently the paddles are pretty expensive.

Thanks for reading.



Contact: akenyannomad@gmail.com






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